
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8624 From: yanvrno@frontier.com Date: 11/13/2013
Subject: Having an issue with Kmotion431n and the Konnect board
I have been running version 431i but when I installed the Konnect board I assume I have to upgrade to 431n. for the add I/O. The problem is both the axis0 and axis1 took off and crashed before init.c and even after running init.c I cannot get control over the drives even though analog voltage screen says zero. Overtravel does not even see the limit switches. Even unhooking the Konnect board makes no difference. Had to go back to 431i to get it to work again even with the Konnect board attached. Is this a version problem?

Group: DynoMotion Message: 8625 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 11/13/2013
Subject: Re: Having an issue with Kmotion431n and the Konnect board
Hi Mac,

Sounds like we introduced a bug with Kanalog in V4.31n.  So you are saying if you just power up KFLOP+Kanalog by themselves (with your amplifiers off for safety) then the Kanalog DACs output voltage?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8626 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 11/13/2013
Subject: Re: Having an issue with Kmotion431n and the Konnect board
Hi Mac,

Sounds like we introduced a bug with Kanalog in V4.31n.  So you are saying if you just power up KFLOP+Kanalog by themselves (with your amplifiers off for safety) then the Kanalog DACs output voltage?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 8627 From: yanvrno@frontier.com Date: 11/13/2013
Subject: Re: Having an issue with Kmotion431n and the Konnect board
Soon as I take them out of E-stop they start moving fast, axis's either online or offline. My X axis crashed and I stopped it before Z axis did. (Note: This is a multi axis turning center I am building)

I stated axis 0 and axis 1, but I should say only axis 0 (X) and axis 2 (Z) are running both in positive directions, Axis 1 (Y) does not show movement. The analog voltages are showing zero.

--- In DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com, Tom Kerekes <tk@...> wrote:
> Hi Mac,
> Sounds like we introduced a bug with Kanalog in V4.31n.  So you are saying if you just power up KFLOP+Kanalog by themselves (with your amplifiers off for safety) then the Kanalog DACs output voltage?
> Regards
> TK
> ________________________________
> From: "yanvrno@..." <yanvrno@...>
> To: DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 1:03 PM
> Subject: [DynoMotion] Having an issue with Kmotion431n and the Konnect board
> I have been running version 431i but when I installed the Konnect board I assume I have to upgrade to 431n. for the add I/O. The problem is both the axis0 and axis1 took off and crashed before init.c and even after running init.c I cannot get control over the drives even though analog voltage screen says zero. Overtravel does not even see the limit switches. Even unhooking the Konnect board makes no difference. Had to go back to 431i to get it to work again even with the Konnect board attached. Is this a version problem?
> Mac
Group: DynoMotion Message: 8628 From: yanvrno@frontier.com Date: 11/13/2013
Subject: Re: Having an issue with Kmotion431n and the Konnect board
I did add a photo in a newly created album, that shows the way I managed to mount the Konnect board.

Also I did hook up a couple of inputs to check functionality. 5 volt and 24 volt. Lite up fine, just dont have a way in 431i to see the status.

Seems like your numbering system is off to me, input groups 1-4 but the commons are numbered 0-3

Question can this be an option? Want to still use the Prox I/O I have on the Kanalog inputs.

Using jumper on A0
